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Friday, September 21, 2012

ALCAN trip Goodbyes

I have never seen a sadder group of kids than these three when they said "goodbye" this past week.  Just sitting on the couch knowing that they were supposed to tell each other 'bye' was sad so I told them all to do a silly picture before I took Kat home.  They all stuck out their tongues, hugged, and I hurried to get Kat out of there and walk her home before the maddness ensued.  By the time I got home the wailing had ended thank goodness.  When we were supposed to have left the day before, and the kids said their 'goodbyes' I got to witness the full force of the sadness, confusion, and anxiety felt over knowing it would be months before they could play dress-up with Katherine again.  The first morning on the ALCAN we ate breakfast and Garrett said his usual "Thank God for all my daddy" and Ellie was fast to add "Thank you God for the Clarks and please don't let them move before I get home."  I don't think they are moving but you know how kids are.  Then, I was told that Kat said prayer or blessings for these two.  The day we come back and they can get together again should be a blast!

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