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Monday, January 2, 2017


For the last year I have been always "just about" to get my blog going but I never made it happen.  The last several months I have spent countless wasted hours setting up sites with my photos sites that have blogs with them, but in the end they didn't work like they were supposed to.  All that time is gone and as fate (if fate is a real thing) would have it, it appears the best blog site for me is BlogSpot -- a site that I set up in 2009 before we drove to Alaska.  That's a long time to go full circle but at least it has happened.  Some of us don't go very far fast!  But THIS is a New Year and I have a renewed fervor for making the most of my life and having fun doing the things I love, and mostly a fervor (don't you love that word??) for teaching my kids and showing my husband that LIFE IS FUN if you let it be.  It's not that they don't already know that but isn't it "momma's" job to set the "Fun Tone" for the family?  Daddy's provide, give structure, teach lessons, and way more; but Momma's set the tone for loving, nurturing, patience, and fun.  That's my belief anyway.  Sometimes I get in a rut with life and it seems so mundane, so stressful, so busy, so non-productive yet hectic.  That isn't the life I want for my kiddos but they will probably have that life if it's all they know, and they won't even realize that it doesn't have to be that way.  So my New Year's Resolutions (not in order of importance because they are all important to me) are to:
  1. Get fit and teach my kiddos how to live healthy
  2. Have fun
  3. Visit a place in Alaska that I have never before been
  4. Get my photography business kicked off, website and ALL
  5. Choose at least 5 people each week to target with encouragement